Please view this link to view a recently released 13 minute video that provides an overview of Natural Regrade and the latest software features that have been implemented in 2018.
Right Hand Features
Please view this link to view a recently released 13 minute video that provides an overview of Natural Regrade and the latest software features that have been implemented in 2018.
This paper was published in Coal Age Magazine in 2006 and describes the efficiency of using GPS guided earth moving equipment to build GeoFluv designs to create award -winning Mine Rehabilitation.
Dr. Yaron Ziv of Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Israel, toured Natural Regrade reclamation sites on March 2017 with Nicholas Bugosh, developer of the GeoFluv™ reclamation design method that is used in Carlson Software’s Natural Regrade. Bugosh accompanied Dr. Ziv as they viewed more than 2000 acres of mining-disturbed lands at active and fully reclaimed mine sites […]
SANTA FE, NM – Charles Thomas, Acting Division Director the New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division and Dr. Peter Scholle, State Geologist and Director of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources today presented the 2011 New Mexico Earth Science Achievement Awards at the rotunda of the state capitol building to Mr. Nicholas […]
Summary of Some Land Surface and Water Quality Monioring Results Modern mining methods can drastically change landforms in the project area. Traditional reclamation grading methods often do not address all the criteria that must be met for the desired post-mining land use including water quality standards, in-stream uses, vegetation diversity and other reclamation criteria. Inability […]