In 2009/2010 Landforma was involved in an Australian Coal Industry Research Program (ACARP) C18024 investigating “Sustainable Landscape Design for Coal Mine Rehabilitation”.
This project compared waste dump landform design outputs using (a) existing landform guidelines; (b) the Water Erosion Prediction Program (WEPP) runoff and erosion model; and (c) dedicated landform design software (Geofluv). The three landform design approaches were applied at two mine sites in the NSW Hunter coalfield, for landforms sheeted with local topsoil. Landforms developed using the three design methods were then assessed for erosion risk using the SIBERIA landform evolution model, with the impacts of varying vegetation cover for each landform design also being evaluated to assess the importance of cover in ensuring the stability of the designed waste dumps.
This report was published in May 2010 and is available from the ACARP web site